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We all dream of flawless, glowing skin, but with new products constantly hitting the shelves and the seemingly endless skincare advice out there on the Internet, it's not always easy to figure out the skincare routine that's going to work best for you. You know the basics — drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and wash your face, but what about everything in between? Luckily, there’s no need to shell out tons of cash on any magical procedures or expensive creams to achieve flawless skin.

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"alberta fresh handcream", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "alberta", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", "katakami", acne, alberta fresh, alberta fresh hand cream, anti aging, cbk, cleanser, collagen, cosmetics, cosmetics by katakami, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, epidermis, eyecream, fine lines, hydration, inflammation, katakami hand cream, makeup, natural, nighttime skincare, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare prep, Skincare prep for makeup users, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, winter time, wrinkles -

A lot of people think that a quick fix for bad skin is makeup, but this simply isn't the case. The best way to make sure your makeup looks flawless, is actually initiating a flawless skincare routine... so that your skin is flawless of course! We're going to outline a few main steps to garner a smooth and supple canvas to help you look your best after applying your makeup. 

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"alberta fresh hand cream", "alberta fresh", "alberta hand cream", "alberta katakami", "alberta skincare", "alberta", "cosmetics katakami", "katakami handcream", "katakami", acne, aging skin, alberta fresh handcream, alcohol and the skin, anti aging, beauty sleep, breakouts, causes of breakouts, cbk, cleanser, collagen, cosmetics, cosmetics by katakami, cosmeticsbykatakami, dry skin, epidermis, eyes, fine lines, hand cream katakami, healthy diet, how to, hydration, inflammation, katakami hand cream, natural, nighttime skincare, skin, skin care, skin tips, skincare, skincare regimen, skincare routine, skincare tips, skintips, sweat, why am i breaking out, winter time, working out, wrinkles -

Increased production of hormones and overproduction of oil (sebum) in the skin can cause the growth of a bacteria called P.acnes which is typically the cause of breakouts or acne. Genetics are also said to play a big role on how your body reacts to hormones that stimulate acne. There are many habits to either avoid or implement in order to minimize or otherwise rid yourself altogether of P.acnes bacteria and breakouts. Here are five reasons your breakouts may be on the increase:

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